
NPR Life Kit // I spoke to Mayowa Aina on NPR's Life Kit podcast to talk about my book, LOG OFF, and how to know when you need to…well, log off.

Healthier Tech // In 2022, I went on the Healthier Tech podcast to discuss social media, digital boundaries, and my rollercoaster experience with work-life balance.

Social Discasting // A year into the pandemic, Brandon had me on the podcast to, in his words, “discuss how we’re doing in all this.”

Sounds Good with Branden Harvey // In 2016, Branden Harvey had me on his Sounds Good podcast to talk about mental health and #TalkingAboutIt, the hashtag I created.

Tell Me About Your Mother // Journalist Amy Westervelt interviewed me in 2018 about my mother and her view of my (at the time) vocal online presence.


The Millions Interviews Sammy Nickalls // Publisher Weekly's Sophia Stewart interviewed me about digital minimalism and limiting screen time.